Over the past several years customers have contacted us about the many uses for the BIBLE BOX. The global ministry, and excitement for Christian learning have been a God Blessing. However, we encourage all customers to use THE BIBLE BOX in support of THE HOLY BIBLE and not as a replacement. A Bible Box Newsletter is published to offer unique ideas to our customers and we appreciate all communications.
The Bible Box has been taken by mission teams to over 70 countries. Native missionaries report the benefits are important as the Bible Box can be used in any language, for any age students and at all levels of Christian knowledge.
Dynamic Teaching Aid for:

Children's Ministry

Missions Educational Projects
Language Training Ministries
Incarceration Facilities, such as Prisons, Detention Homes & Halfway Houses
Children’s Sunday School
Vacation Bible School
Christian & Home Schoolers
Family Devotions
Children’s Homes & Hospitals
Hospital & Medical Comfort Rooms
Reception Areas for Doctor & Dentist Offices

Grandparents & Retirement Homes
Special Needs
Retirement & Nursing
Home Residents
Parent and Grandparent Mentoring
Christian Caregivers
& Therapists
Special Needs Students
Mental Rehabilitation Programs
Learning Challenged Adult Programs